Amendment regarding the registration of people who provide specialized services


Amendment regarding the registration of people who provide specialized services

February 27, 2024
Francisco Trejo Gutiérrez

On February 21, 2024, the Resolution that modifies the document by which the general provisions for the registration of individuals or entities that provide specialized services referred to in article 15 of the Federal Labor Law were published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

The above, in order to determine the procedure for the renewal of the registration issued in favor of the providers or executors of specialized services.

To renew the registration of individuals or entities registered in the registry, the platform will enable a module called registration renewal, which they will be able to enter only during the period defined by the Ministry of the Labor and Social Welfare (the Ministry), in accordance with the validity of the registration notice. The above in accordance with the following calendar:

Year of RegistrationMonth of GrantingMonth of Registration Renewal
      2021JuneFrom March to May, 2024
JulyFrom April to June, 2024
AugustFrom May to July, 2024
SeptemberFrom June to August, 2024
OctoberFrom July to September, 2024
NovemberFrom August to October, 2024
DecemberFrom September to November, 2024
          2022JanuaryFrom October to December, 2024
FebruaryFrom november to January, 2025
MarchFrom December, 2024 to February, 2025
AprilFrom January to March, 2025
MayFrom February to April, 2025
JuneFrom march to May, 2025
JulyFrom April to June, 2025
AugustFrom May to July, 2025
SeptemberFrom June to August, 2025
OctoberFrom July to September, 2025
NovemberFrom August to October, 2025
DecemberFrom September to November, 2025
          2023JanuaryFrom October to December, 2025
FebruaryFrom November,2025 to January, 2026
MarchFrom December, 2025 to February, 2026
AprilFrom January to March, 2026
MayFrom February to April,2026
JuneFrom march to May, 2026
JulyFrom April to June, 2026
AugustFrom May to July, 2026
SeptemberFrom June to August, 2026
OctoberFrom July to September, 2026
NovemberFrom August to October, 2026
DecemberFrom September to November, 2026

Individuals or entities registered in the registry may only carry out their renewal process on the dates established in the calendar. Therefore, once the period has expired, the platform will disable the renewal module.

For those who do not renew their registration it will be cancelled. For those who have had their registration canceled and for that reason have been removed from the registry, and have carried out a new registration process, the validity of the 3 years of said registration will be counted from the new registration.

It is extremely important to review in detail the expiration dates of the registrations issued previously, to avoid the registration module being closed and, as a consequence, having to carry out the registration process again. The above, because it is at the Ministry’s discretion to grant or not grant these registrations, even if they have already authorized it previously.

At Trejo Gutiérrez Abogados, we have a group of experts in labor matters with more than 20 years in the market. In case you require additional information or a legal analysis, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to provide the personalized legal advice that you require.